Ricky Martin’s nephew withdraws harassment case against singer
Laurent Koffel / Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images
The harassment case against Ricky Martin has been withdrawn.
Martin had been served a restraining order by his nephew that cited sexual abuse, however Martin vehemently denied the allegations made against him.
Martin also tweeted that the order was based on “completely false” allegations and that he would face the process “with the responsibility that characterizes me.” Martin's attorney, Marty Singer, added by strongly denying the allegations calling them "untrue" and "disgusting."
The initial reports stated that the alleged victim claimed he and the singer dated for seven months, but after they broke up two months ago, the superstar allegedly did not accept the split and was seen at the petitioner’s house at least three times.
That being said, Martin’s nephew independently withdrew his claim. TMZ reported that a judge dismissed the temporary restraining order that was issued last week.
Following the dismissal, Martin’s attorneys Joaquín Monserrate Matienzo, Carmelo Dávila and Harry Massanet Pastrana released a statement saying:
“Just as we had anticipated, the temporary protection order was not extended by the Court. The accuser confirmed to the court that his decision to dismiss the matter was his alone, without any outside influence or pressure, and the accuser confirmed he was satisfied with his legal representation in the matter.”
The singer’s brother also claims that Martin’s nephew is “struggling with deep mental health challenges.”
Hours after a judge in Puerto Rico dismissed the case against Ricky Martin, the artist spoke out and said about the legal situation:
“It’s been almost four decades since I’ve been working as an artist, under the public eye, and I’ve never had to deal with something so hurtful like I’ve lived through these last few weeks. I was victim of a lie. Unfortunately, the attack came from a family member … I only wish him the best, for him to find the light. A lie can cause so much harm. It harmed me, my husband, my kids, my parents, my family. I couldn’t defend myself because there was a legal process I had to follow where I had to be silent until I’d be able to speak to a judge. Today was the day. Now, it’s time for me to heal. I’m very hurt. I will find peace, the necessary silence to see the light again at the end of the tunnel, like I’ve always been able to.”
Ricky Martin also posted his attorneys’ statement about his legal vindication on Instagram with the caption, “Truth prevails.”